Tag Archives: Mind Changers

AS Social Influence: Conformity, Asch’s Study And Riots

Firstly, remind yourself of the key features of Asch’s study. You can watch a reconstruction of the original 1951 study here.  You can also listen to Peter Smith talking about his work with Rod Bond on conformity across cultures here. If you want to hear more about the ethics of Asch’s study, you can listen […]

Bowlby, Harlow And Anna Freud: Changing The Way We Think About Childhood

The debate between learning theory and Bowlby’s theory has its origins 50 years or more ago. How did the work of Bowlby, Harlow and Anna Freud change the way we think about children? Have these changes been positive or negative? Listen to this programme about Anna Freud http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s0s6m You can read more about Anna Freud […]